Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Salman Khan took to his social media handles to unveil a quirky teaser of his upcoming film Dabangg 3. The actor has also changed his twitter handle name to his popular character from the film-Chulbul Pandey. In the teaser, Salman is dressed up as Inspector Chulbul Pandey and he mouths these lines: "Kamaal karte ho Pandey ji! Jab Chulbul Pandey se jude hain pure India ke emotions, toh Salman Khan kyon karenge Dabangg ke promotions? Picture humari, poster humara, toh promote bhi toh hum hi karenge na!"#GandhiJayanti k is mauke pe, Bhai ne bola aapko message dene ko... aur Chulbul Pandey is ready! @PMOIndia @KirenRijiju
— Chulbul Pandey (@BeingSalmanKhan) October 1, 2019
Also Read: Salman Khan’s Eid release Radhe is very much ON and is a remake of This KOREAN flick!Hello! My name is Chulbul Pandey. Nice to meet you! #Dabangg3WithChulbulPandey @arbaazSkhan @sonakshisinha @saieemmanjrekar @PDdancing @KicchaSudeep @nikhil_dwivedi @SKFilmsOfficial @saffronbrdmedia
— Chulbul Pandey (@BeingSalmanKhan) October 1, 2019
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