On Friday, former Miss India Universe Simran Kaur Mundi tied the knot with long-time boyfriend Gurrick Mann, the son of renowned singer Gurdas Mann, in Patiala. The traditional Punjabi wedding, apart from the couple's family members and close friends, had actors Diljit Dosanjh and Poppy Jabbal in attendance. Photos from their wedding soon started doing the rounds on social media. Diljit shared a beautiful picture of the newlyweds and conveyed his best wishes. "aut Baut Mubarkan @gurickkmaan VEERE & @simrankaurmundi Waheguru Always Khush Rakhe," he wrote.
For her big day, Simran picked a dark maroon lehenga with heavy embroidery, along with ethnic jewellery. Gurrick was seen donning a mustard yellow kurta and a blue turban.
The couple also plans to host a Mumbai reception for their friends and colleagues in the city.
Simran, who was crowned the Miss India Universe in 2008, made her Bollywood debut with Jo Hum Chahein in 2011. She is particularly known for her roles in the Hindi film Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi and the Punjabi film Best Of Luck.
Heartiest congratulations to the newlyweds!
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