Amitabh Bachchan is a proud father and often likes to share emotional posts about his kid's achievements. Shweta Bachchan, on Saturday, launched her first-ever luxury collection in Mumbai. Sharing some pictures from the event, Amitabh Bachchan wrote, “progeny pride .. moist eyes, ever to se achievement of kids .. love you Mama.”
Shweta wore a denim jacket with her father's portrait on the sleeve. The actor wrote on his blog, “A day of glory and pride .. when progeny excels .. when they achieve .. when they bring the eyes to moisten .. when independent hard work fructifies and the World sees and applauds .. when you see the glimmer and glow in the countenance.”
He added, “Love to you Shweta .. and the pride you give to all of us.”
The megastar even shared throwback photos with Shweta on his Instagram and wrote, "kab ye aise se aisi ban gayi pata hi nahin chala. love you Mama.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, Amitabh Bachchan will be next starring in Gulabo Sitabo, Brahmastra and Chehre.
ALSO READ: Rekha on posing next to Amitabh Bachchan’s picture – “Yahan danger zone hai”
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