Deepika Padukone has become very active on social media during the lockdown period and has been giving a glimpse into her daily life at home. The actress who lives with husband Ranveer Singh in their apartment in Prabhadevi shared her weekend travel plans on Instagram.
Deepika shared a floor plan (probably of her house) and used it as a map for her weekend travel. Sharing the image, she wrote, "Looking at the map for some weekend travel ideas."
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Looking at the map for some weekend travel ideas...???????? #travel #home
Guess this is what the travel plans for every Indian look like at least for the next two weeks.
Deepika has been posting a series of Instagram posts and terming it as different episodes. However, the streak got interrupted by Katrina Kaif. Deepika said that Katrina stole her idea. "I regret to inform you that Season 1: Episode 5 stands cancelled because Katrina stole my idea! Hmmf," Deepika said while posting a video of Katrina washing dishes.
Also Read: Lovebirds Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone turn home gym buddies during self-isolation
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