Karisma Kapoor took fans down the memory lane when she shared an unseen picture from their childhood days on the gram. The lockdown period has all of us cherish the good old days and Karisma, too, seems to be doing the same.
Karisma shared a picture in which a very young Ranbir Kapoor and his older sister Riddhima can be seen sitting on their grandfather actor Raj Kapoor's lap, while Kareena Kapoor is standing close by. Karisma can be seen standing behind Raj as she smiles and poses. Raj Kapoor's wife Krishna Kapoor is also seen in the picture. "Family matters," Karisma captioned the picture.
Actress Alia Bhatt who is dating Ranbir Kapoor showered red heart emoticons in the comments.
Meanwhile, Karisma Kapoor recently announced that she along with her two kids have donated a sum to the PM CARES Fund and encouraged others to donate as well. She talked about how a small contribution can go a long way and urged her followers to do their bit as well.
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