Rishi Kapoor breathed his last on Thursday morning after his two years long battle with leukaemia. The veteran actor was admitted in Sir H N Reliance Hospital a few days before his demise. While all the fans were shocked to hear the news, there was a video of Rishi Kapoor leaked while he was admitted in the ICU of the hospital. The Federation of Western India Cine Employees have issued a statement against the hospital for letting this happen.
Along with the FWICE workers, a lot of celebrities and fans have condemned this act as disgusting and insensitive. The director of FWICE, Ashoke Pandit tweeted, “@fwice_mum raises protest over viral video of #RishiKapoor ji in ICU at HN hospital.The video is unethical -without permission &violates fundamental right to live with dignity-privacy of a legend who lived a glorious & dignified life& loved ,regarded , held in high esteem by all.”
Take a look at his tweet and the statement.
@fwice_mum raises protest over viral video of #RishiKapoor ji in ICU at HN hospital.The video is unethical -without permission &violates fundamental right to live with dignity-privacy of a legend who lived a glorious & dignified life& loved ,regarded , held in high esteem by all. pic.twitter.com/zvQA0w9t9e
— Ashoke Pandit (@ashokepandit) May 1, 2020
A similar video was leaked during Vinod Khanna’s demise. As for the management at the Sir H N Reliance hospital, they have said that they are investigating the matter.
Also Read: Hrithik Roshan pens a note on Rishi Kapoor’s demise, thanks him for consistently supporting him
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