A year ago, Ranveer Singh and Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu came together to shoot an action-packed ad for the brand Thums Up. The photos from the sets had gone viral. Now, some unseen photos are doing the rounds of social media.
In the photos, both Mahesh Babu and Ranveer Singh are sporting grunge look as they shot the ad film in Mumbai. The earlier ad campaign was shot in California, last year. Mahesh's wife Namrata Shirodkar had shared a couple of photos of the actors on her Instagram.
On the film front, Mahesh Babu and Geetha Govindam director Parasuram and Baahubali maker SS Rajamouli are coming together for a megaproject.
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On the other hand, Ranveer Singh is set to star as Kapil Dev in upcoming sports drama 83 directed by Kabir Khan. He will also reprise the role of Sangram Bhalerao from Simmba in Akshay Kumar's Sooryavanshi. The actor has Jayeshbhai Jordaar and Takht in the pipeline.
ALSO READ: Ranveer Singh says he is devastated to witness what is happening in this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic
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