During the lockdown, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has made the kaftan very trendy. She often posts pictures of herself dressed in a Kaftan. On Sunday, Kareena had shared a picture of herself wearing a kaftan. Sharing the image, Kareena wrote, "Did you ask for another Kaftan picture? No. Did I still put it up? Yes. "
Actor Ranveer Singh dropped a comment which read, “Bebo didn't choose the kaftan life, the kaftan life chose her.” Responding to the comment, Bebo wrote, “Ranveer Singh, you should try it... You never know, it may choose you next. It's addictive.” In another comment, Ranveer dropped the hashtag “kaftan life”.
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A while ago Kareena Kapoor had shared an Instagram post listing out her summer essentials. Her list includes messy buns, kaftans and homemade masks. Sharing a picture of herself with a homemade mask on she wrote, “Summer essentials: Messy bun, kaftan and homemade masks."
ALSO READ: Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan And Taimur Ali Khan imprint Quarantine 2020 for life
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