Mayur Verma of Mujhse Shaadi Karoge has been receiving death threats from Bigg Boss 13’s Devoleena Bhattacharjee’s fans for quite some time. It all started a few days ago when Devoleena apparently liked a fan-made VM that showed Mayur Verma marrying Shehnaaz Gill. Shehnaaz Gill and Mayur Verma share a cordial friendship since they were a part of Mujhse Shaadi Karoge. However, when Mayur expressed his displeasure over Devoleena’s actions, her fans started to allegedly threaten him.
He did not take it seriously earlier but had to notify the authorities after a point. He took to his Twitter to share a copy of the official complaint and it reads, “For a long time, I was being threatened to kill by the fans of Devoleena on Twitter, I have ignored it many times but today I have finally taken action on it. #TimeOfAction #DevoleenaFans #TimeToStop”.
For a long time, I was being threatened to kill by the fans of Devoleena on Twitter, I have ignored it many times but today I have finally taken action on it.#TimeOfAction #DevoleenaFans #TimeToStop
— Mayaur Verma (@mayurvermaa) May 30, 2020
When Devoleena was asked to comment on the same, she said that she’s not even aware of who Mayur Verma is and why he’s using her name everywhere. She wishes not to be associated with someone she does not even know of. Devoleena claimed it to be a public incident and said that if her name is going good for him, then may God bless him.
Also Read: Devoleena Bhattacharjee contributes to the Assam Relief Fund
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