The celebrated actor Irrfan Khan passed away on April 29 after his prolonged battle with neuroendocrine tumour. As the fans continue to remember him and his work, The Academy posted a special video including him to celebrate hope as the world is dealing with the novel coronavirus pandemic.
In the special video, many well-known stars performing some of the iconic scenes have been included. Among many renowned Hollywood actors, the video ends with Irrfan Khan. The clip that has been added is from his film, Life of Pi. The scene we are talking about his when he delivers this dialogue, “I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.”
The Academy's Twitter handle wrote, "A celebration of hope - through the lens of movies we love."
A celebration of hope—through the lens of movies we love.
— The Academy (@TheAcademy) July 29, 2020
Irrfan Khan’s last film was Angrezi Medium which released in March 2020. He is survived by his wife Sutapa Sikdar and sons Babil and Ayan.
ALSO READ: Irrfan Khan's son Babil Khan says he has lost friends in a heartbreaking post about religious discrimination
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