Rashami Desai had recently joined the cast of Naagin 4 as Shalakha a few days before the lockdown was imposed. The actress had grey hues to her character for the first time and it was announced that her role will be considered as a special appearance post-lockdown. With the season being cut short due to the lockdown, Rashami Desai gave a small emotional speech on the last day on the sets of Naagin 4. Dressed in a peach coloured traditional outfit, Rashami Desai couldn’t help but get a little teary-eyed during the speech.
She thanked everyone on the set including the cast and crew. She further said that this show marks the second innings for her in the television industry. Nia Sharma also shared the posts of her giving the speech and wrote, “Had a short sweet one with you Rashami.” Vijayendra Kumeria wrote a cute note for his co-star that said, “For whatever short time we worked together, it was a lovely experience. Lots of love and luck to you.”
After the teary goodbyes, Rashami shared a glimpse of her vanity van and said that she will miss being here.
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