On June 14, Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput died by suicide in his apartment in Mumbai. The actor left behind no suicide note. As per reports, he was suffering from depression and was undergoing treatment for the same. His untimely demise revived an intense debate on nepotism in Bollywood and the power structure.
Recently, a Twitter user called actor Vivek Oberoi a 'product of nepotism'. It was Sanjay Gupta who first responded to the comment.“What absolute nonsense. Do you have any idea what all he did to bag Ramu’s COMPANY? His Dad had no role to play in it. And his performance... definitely one of the best debuts of all time. @vivekoberoi," he wrote.
What absolute nonsense. Do you have any idea what all he did to bag Ramu’s COMPANY?
His Dad had no role to play in it. And his performance... definitely one of the best debuts of all time. @vivekoberoi https://t.co/LjY956WV7u— Sanjay Gupta (@_SanjayGupta) July 4, 2020
Vivek Oberoi quote tweeted Sanjay Gupta's response and wrote, "Thank you Gups for standing up for the truth. Many of us chose the harder path and believed in sheer talent and merit. It feels unfair when people make uninformed comments like this, one such comment can brush away years of struggle and perseverance.”
Thank you Gups for standing up for the truth. Many of us chose the harder path and believed in sheer talent and merit. It feels unfair when people make uninformed comments like this, one such comment can brush away years of struggle and perseverance. https://t.co/DxCZrd5oJi
— Vivek Anand Oberoi (@vivekoberoi) July 4, 2020
Meanwhile, on the work front, Vivek Oberoi recently announced that he will be turning producer with a mystery thriller Iti. He also announced his second film titled Rosie: The Saffron Chapter, a horror-thriller.
ALSO READ: After Iti, Mandiraa and Vivek Anand Oberoi announce their second film, Rosie- The Saffron Chapter
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