In one of the most tragic news, Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman passed away after his prolonged battle with colon cancer. “It is with immeasurable grief that we confirm the passing of Chadwick Boseman,” the statement read.”Chadwick was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2016, and battled with it these last 4 years as it progressed to stage IV.”
“A true fighter, Chadwick persevered through it all and brought you many of the films you have come to love so much. From Marshall to Da 5 Bloods, August Wilson’s Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, and several more, all were filmed during and between countless surgeries and chemotherapy,” the statement continued.
“It was the honor of his career to bring King T’Challa to life in Black Panther. He died in his home, with his wife and family by his side. The family thanks you for your love and prayers, and asks that you continue to respect their privacy during this difficult time,” the statement read.
— Chadwick Boseman (@chadwickboseman) August 29, 2020
The stars of the Marvel Cinematic Universe who had an opportunity to share screen space with Chadwick Boseman pad tribute to the late actor. Chris Evans, Brie Larson, Chris Pratt, Mark Ruffalo, Angela Basset, among others took to social media to pay tribute.
I’m absolutely devastated. This is beyond heartbreaking.
Chadwick was special. A true original. He was a deeply committed and constantly curious artist. He had so much amazing work still left to create. I’m endlessly grateful for our friendship. Rest in power, King????
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) August 29, 2020
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) August 29, 2020
All I have to say is the tragedies amassing this year have only been made more profound by the loss of #ChadwickBoseman. What a man, and what an immense talent. Brother, you were one of the all time greats and your greatness was only beginning. Lord love ya. Rest in power, King.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) August 29, 2020
i will miss you, birthday brother. you were always light and love to me. my god ... ✌????♥️✊???? ????????♂ forever and ever ...
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) August 29, 2020
THANK YOU @chadwickboseman for all you gave us. We needed it & will always cherish it! A talented & giving artist & brother who will be sorely missed???????? RIP
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) August 29, 2020
Devastating news. We lost a great one. Takoto mai rā e Āriki. #chadwickboseman
— Taika Waititi (@TaikaWaititi) August 29, 2020
I’m gonna have to tell Cy, Bowie and Zen that T’Challa has passed. What other king can I tell them about now?
— Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) August 29, 2020
Our hearts are broken and our thoughts are with Chadwick Boseman’s family. Your legacy will live on forever. Rest In Peace.
— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) August 29, 2020
ALSO READ: Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman passes away at 43
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