A photo of actress Kangana Ranaut happily posing with her sister Rangoli Chandel and producer Sandip Ssingh is doing the rounds on the internet. On June 14, when Sushant Singh Rajput passed away, Sandip Ssingh posted an emotional note in memory of the actor and said that Ankita Lokhande was the only one who could have saved him.
Sandip Ssingh had shared a long emotional post describing the bond he shared with the late actor and Ankita Lokhande. “I know that only you could've saved him. I wish you both got married as we dreamt. You could've saved him if he just let you be there...You were his girlfriend, his wife, his mother, his best friend forever. I love you Ankita. I hope I never lose a friend like you. I won't be able to take it,” he wrote in his post addressing to Ankita.
A post shared by Sandip Ssingh (@officialsandipssingh) on
Back then Rangoli Chandel took to her Instagram handle and even reposted Sandip's post and lauded him. Referring to his post, she wrote, "You are right, wish there was a way to block those blinding lights of show business and it’s fake promises, wish there was a way to block the mirage that movie mafia flash at every outsider who is loaded with talent, grit and ambition (sic)."
Meanwhile, the case is now also being probed by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) after an alleged drug angle surfaced. There have been allegations against Sandip Ssingh of alleged drug links. Apart from that, the Maharashtra Government received requests to probe Ssingh's links with the BJP. Following this, Home Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh said on Saturday that he will forward all requests to investigate producer Sandip Ssingh’s alleged drug links to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Earlier, Rajput’s family’s lawyer, advocate Vikas Singh, mentioned that no one from SSR’s family knows Sandip Ssingh. Even Rhea Chakraborty said that she never saw Sandip or heard of him from the SSR in the last one year.