Neha Mehta, who has been a part of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah for over 12 years, recently announced her exit from the family sitcom. The show recently celebrated its 12th anniversary in full swing while adhering to the social distancing norms as they try to adjust to the new normal. Neha Mehta played the role of Anjali Taarak Mehta on the show and it was quite a pivotal one. Along with her, Gurucharan Singh has also decided to walk away. Sunayana Fozdar and Balwinder Singh Suri have been roped in as the new Anjali Taarak Mehta and Sodhi.
Producer Asit Modi has released a statement regarding Neha’s exit from the show and said, “Neha Mehta will always remain a part of the Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah family. 12 years of working together binds you in a relationship that cannot be easily expressed in words. The decision to part ways was mutually agreed on. Everyone in the team appreciates and values her contribution to Anjali Mehtta’s character and the show. And, if ever in the future we have an opportunity to include her in any of our projects, we will definitely seek her out.”
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