Actor Abhishek Bachchan, who recently recovered from COVID-19, has resumed work on his next project – The Big Bull. Just a day ago, reports stated that the cinema halls, multiplexes, and theatres will open soon in 50% capacity. In Maharashtra, cinema halls will remain shut. Responding to the update, Abhishek wrote on Twitter, “The best news of the week!!!!"
To this, a netizen responded saying, “But aren't you still gonna be jobless?"
Abhishek Bachchan’s response won the internet. “That, alas, is in your (the audiences) hand. If you don’t like our work, we won’t get our next job. So we work to the best of our abilities and hope and pray for the best,” he wrote.
That, alas, is in your (the audiences) hand. If you don’t like our work, we won’t get our next job. So we work to the best of our abilities and hope and pray for the best. ????????
— Abhishek Bachchan (@juniorbachchan) September 30, 2020
Then, another Twitter user asked him how he continued to get movies after Drona. He said, "I didn't. Was dropped from a few films and it was very difficult to get cast. But we live in hope and keep trying, hoping, and working towards our goals. You have to get up everyday and fight for your place under the sun. Nothing in life comes easy."
I didn’t. Was dropped from a few films and it was very difficult to get cast. But we live in hope and keep trying, hoping and working towards our goals. You have to get up everyday and fight for your place under the sun. Nothing in life comes easy. जब तक जीवन है , संघर्ष है।
— Abhishek Bachchan (@juniorbachchan) September 30, 2020
On the work front, Abhishek Bachchan will next star in The Big Bull which will premiere on Disney+ Hotstar.
ALSO READ: Abhishek Bachchan and Ileana D’Cruz starrer The Big Bull to have Covid-19 watchdogs on set
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