In the recent promo of Bigg Boss 14, Neha Kakkar and Tony Kakkar will be making an entrance on the show and will spend some quality time with the contestants. Keeping up with the rules and traditions, the sibling’s duo came up with a fun task for all the ladies in the house. Neha Kakkar’s recent wedding with Rohanpreet Singh was a huge affair and a lot of celebrated names in the industry were a part of the functions.
So, now she’s looking for a bride for her brother Tony Kakkar. Asking the ladies to impress them with their skills, Nikki Tamboli, Pavitra Punia, and Jasmin Bhasin were seen trying to impress him with his moves while the former flirted with him. During the end of the promo, Jasmin and Tony are seen wearing garlands by themselves and Aly Goni’s expressions are too cute to miss.
Take a look at the promo right here.
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