Telugu dramedy Middle Class Melodies recently had its global world premiere on Amazon Prime Video and since the day of launch the delectable tale has been showered with exceptional love from audiences. Inspired by film’s success and Raghava’s love for food, actor Anand Deverakonda, who plays the character of Raghava, recently took to his social media and paid a tribute to the film in a unique way - by investing his earnings from the film in a cafe 'GoodVibes'.
Anand Deverakonda took to his social media and shared, "Good Vibes Only Cafe - Khajaguda, Hyderabad."
"My first step to share this success is to invest in my friend's food dreams. Both Vijay and I saw our first big success in stories around food, dreams, and ambition. So, my first paycheck goes into bringing you great food offscreen and supporting my gang"
Good Vibes Only Cafe - Khajaguda, Hyderabad
— Anand Deverakonda (@ananddeverkonda) November 25, 2020
Brother Vijay Deverakonda too joined in and announced that he'll foot half the bill for everyone at Good Vibes to celebrate the opening of the cafe with everyone.
Vijay Deverakonda shared on his social media with the caption," I'm in a good mood - #MiddleClassMelodies???????? my friends opening a cafe ???? and you know I celebrate everything with you. So everybody is welcome, have a good time sagam bill nadi, big hugs and kisses meeku :) #GoodVibesOnly Cafe"
Produced by Bhavya Creations, Middle Class Melodies is a directorial debut of Vinod Anantoju and stars Anand Deverakonda and Varsha Bollamma in lead roles. Amazon Original Movie Middle Class Melodies is streaming exclusively on Amazon Prime Video across 200 countries and territories.
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