Comedian Bharti Singh along with her husband Harsh Limbachiya was arrested for consumption of drugs by the Narcotics Control Bureau. A total of 86.5 gms of substances were found in her apartment and they were in judicial custody for a couple of days. However, after she was granted bail, there are rumours about Bharti Singh being dropped out of The Kapil Sharma Show by the makers.
Her co-stars Kiku Sharda and Krushna Abhishek have denied the rumours citing that the channel has not spoken to them yet about the same. Kiku said that she did not come to shoot a day prior and that was about it. While Krushna Abhishek lent his support to her and said that no matter what the channel decides, he will stand by her and she will always be his sister. Kapil Sharma and Krushna will continue to support Bharti Singh.
Krushna also expressed a lot of dislike towards Raju Srivastava’s comments on Bharti and said that their entire team is miffed with him about it. He has further said that Raju has taken on a lifetime worth of grudge from our end and we will not forgive him for that.
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