Days after being bestowed with Dr. Ambedkar Bharat Ratna honour for her contribution to cinema, Richa Chadha has another gong to her name. The actress has won Peta’s Best Vegan Style Icon.
With the advent of pandemic, awareness of animal abuse and suffering has come under sharp focus. Richa has always worked steadfastly towards demanding sustainability of the environment and bringing in the need for cruelty-free clothing. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India this year hosted the virtual edition of their awards and announced the winners of the Vegan Fashion Awards 2020 amidst much fanfare. The initiative recognises the most progressive brands and individuals ushering forth animal-free fashion.
In a statement, Richa said, "Am delighted to be named a style icon. Although it's not always possible because we rely on stylists and make up people to make us look great and can't always choose cruelty free things, in my personal life I always strive to stay the course. For instance, I stopped wearing silk and leather a few years ago. Am very pleased with this recognition. Thank you Peta.”
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