While we wait to see real life couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt share screen space in the feature film Brahmastra, the two have given a glimpse at what they will look like together on screen through ad films. The couple have once again collaborated for an ad which has been shot by filmmaker Gauri Shinde who is known for the film English Vinglish.
On Friday, pictures of Alia and Ranbir from the sets of their latest ad went viral on social media. While Alia looked gorgeous in a green and pink salwar kameez, Ranbir is seen in a white polo T-shirt and white track pants. In the pictures they are seen shooting inside a rickshaw.
Check out the pictures:
Meanwhile, Ranbir and Alia have been busy shooting for their respective projects and endorsements. The duo recently wrapped up a schedule of Brahmastra with south superstar Nagarjuna. The film directed by Ayan Mukerji has been long delayed and is expected to be released later this year. However, there has been no official confirmation on the release date of the film.
ALSO READ: Vidhu Vinod Chopra confirms Aamir Khan’s PK story will move forward with Ranbir Kapoor
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