Akshay Kumar has found his new favourite thing to do, apart from working on the sets almost round the clock. The actor has resorted to finding a muse in his co-stars beginning with Kriti Sanon on the sets of Bachchan Pandey and now Nushrratt Bharuccha on the sets of Ram Setu. All set to play an archeologist in Ram Setu with Jacqueline Fernandez and Nushrratt Bharuccha as the leading ladies, Akshay Kumar has turned part-time photographer on the sets.
While the cast recently began shooting for the film, Akshay Kumar recently posted a picture of Nushrratt standing next to huge lunch boxes. Needless to say, Akshay Kumar made a light-hearted joke about the same in his caption and Nushrratt highlighted the ‘Hera Pheri’ done on his part. Akshay Kumar wrote, “That’s how @nushrrattbharuccha arrives on the sets of Lunch Box, sorry I meant #RamSetu ????????????”
Take a look at the pictures right here.
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Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty, and Paresh Rawal starrer classic comedy Hera Pheri completed 21 years of its release yesterday and it did not take long for the memes to flood in.
Also Read: Akshay Kumar turns photographer for Nushrratt Bharuccha on the sets of Ram Setu
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