T-Series head Bhushan Kumar has an interesting line up of films scheduled for release this year. The makers had recently announced that their film Satyameva Jayate 2 starring John Abraham in the lead will hit the theatres on May 13. Apart from backing films, T-series also produces and presents singles and is behind several hit Hindi songs and albums.
Bhushan Kumar himself gets involved in the creative process of different aspects of the film including the music. Talking about it with Bollywood Hungama, he said, “From the beginning I wanted to train myself because back then when I had just joined, I was eager to learn about everything. In a song, the lyrics should be mind-blowing, it should be hummable, the tune should be mind-blowing, the intro and outro of the music, whether a guitar should be played or a mandolin or a sitar. All these things I would minutely observe. Even today I check all these things.”
Talking about incorporating a mouth organ in the upcoming film Satyameva Jayate 2, he said, “One of our songs is going to come in the film Satyameva Jayate 2 for which I told Rochak (Kohli) that lets shoot with a mouth organ as nobody has heard mouth organ in a long time. So, he shot with a mouth organ. And Milap Zaveri(director) is a very massy person and he said that he will make John shoot with the mouth organ itself. So, he shot the song with a mouth organ.”
Satyameva Jayate 2 is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar’s T-Series and Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani’s Emmay Entertainment. The film also stars Divya Khosla Kumar and will hit the theatres on Eid.
ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: John Abraham – “I think OTT is a blessing but I feel Mumbai Saga is a cinema experience”
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