In the upcoming weekend, the Indian Idol 12's episode will be the most awaited night for the viewers of the show. The viewers will witness a surge in their excitement after seeing Hema Malini – The one and only Dream Girl of Indian Cinema gracing the sets of the show.
Queen of Bollywood aka Hema Malini will be seen getting a grand entry which will be lauded by the audience and everyone present on the set. It will be an episode surely full of fun and entertainment lined up ahead which will be a mix of laughter, entertainment, and emotions. The judges Himesh Reshammiya, Neha Kakkar, and Vishal Dadlani will be thrilled to see the performances of the Top 11 contestants and the show’s host Aditya Narayan who is known for his witty remarks will surely add to the quotient and excitement.
Hema Malini would be seen sharing many interesting and unknown stories from her time and encouraging the contestants. With that, she would also be seen performing with the contestants and the judges.
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