Abhishek Bachchan's upcoming film The Big Bull is all set to release on April 8 on OTT. The film is based on the life of late Harshad Mehta, who was an Indian stockbroker and was involved in the 1992 stock market scam. However just a few months back, Hansal Mehta directed a web series titled Scam 1992 starring Pratik Gandhi, which was also based on the life of Harshad Mehta. The series was a big hit and was loved by the audience and critics equally.
It is therefore natural that Abhishek Bachchan and producer Ajay Devgn will be facing questions comparing The Big Bull with the series Scam 1992. On Monday morning a Twitter user tagged Abhishek Bachchan and asked, "I did watch #Scam1992 already, tell me one reason to watch #Thebigbull again. @juniorbachchan"
I did watch #Scam1992 already, tell me one reason to watch #Thebigbull again. @juniorbachchan
— Digital Rambo ???????? (@Digitalramboin) April 5, 2021
Bachchan responded to the tweet in complete honesty and wrote, "I'm in it" with a laughing and wink emoji. Many users were impressed with the actor's honest answer and said they would watch the film just for the actor's response to the tweet.
I’m in it. ????????
— Abhishek Bachchan (@juniorbachchan) April 5, 2021
The Big Bull is inspired by some of the shocking shifts that shook the financial fabric of India. It features Abhishek Bachchan, Ileana D'Cruz, Nikita Dutta, Soham Shah, Ram Kapoor, Supriya Pathak and Saurabh Shukla. The film is directed by Kookie Gulati, and it is produced by Ajay Devgn and Anand Pandit. The movie is all set to stream exclusively for the subscribers of Disney+ Hotstar VIP and Disney+ Hotstar Premium on 8th April 2021.
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