The popular daily television show Shakti – Astitva Ke Ehsaas ki has completed five years. The show began to air on May 30, 2016 on Colors TV and is based on the story of Soumya, a transgender woman. The show focuses on the transgender community and how they interact with others in society by fighting for justice.
Recently, as the show has completed its five glorious years, actress Kamya Panjabi and Rubina Dilaik, who play the on-screen mother-in-law and daughter-in-law respectively took to their Instagram. Both Rubina and Kamya shared most of the amazing behind-the-scenes and unseen pictures from the sets.
Rubina Dilaik shared series of pictures and wrote, “5 years of hard work (minus 1yr 2months) , passion and risk taking ability has been rewarded by your love (my beautiful people) Shakti has and will always be close to my heart.... Congratulations to the entire team.”
Rubina wrote minus 1 year and 2 months as she took a break from the show and also went to participate in the 14th edition of the reality show Bigg Boss. She also managed to bring the winning title home.
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Apart from Rubina, Kamya Panjabi shared multiple posts celebrating the success of the show.
Kamya, who plays the role of Preeto, shared pictures with her on-screen husband Sudesh Berry aka Harak Singh. Sharing the post, she called her on-screen pair 'Amar" and wrote, "Time flies, Things change, time changes, but the only thing that is constant is Harak Preeto ki Amar Jodi in #shaktiastitvakeehsaaski Happy 5 years to us n to each one of you who has been a part of this incredible journey #ShaktiTurns5 @rstfofficial @msrashmi2002_ @colorstv @sudeshberry."
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She also shared cast pictures and wrote, “Meet the incredible team behind the successful 5 years of #shaktiastitvakeehsaaski I love you all so very much #shaktiturns5 @rstfofficial @colorstv @msrashmi2002_ @directorpankajkumar @palashmandloi.”
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At last, the actress also shared another post with the director of the show, which reads as, “Captain of the Ship @directorpankajkumar Happy 5 years of #shaktiastitvakeehsaaski mon to sat 8pm @colorstv #shaktiturns5 @rstfofficial.”
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Kamya also didn't forget to share the celebration video and pictures with her co-star Rubina Dilaik.
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Sharing the picture with Rubina Dilaik, the actress wrote "Saumya Preeto once againnnnn n why not we just turned 5. #shaktiturns5 Keep watching #shaktiastitvakeehsaaski Mon To Sat 8pm @colorstv @rubinadilaik.”
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Shakti is currently being shot at Agra in a bio-bubble format as the shoots have been suspended in the state of Maharashtra owing to the Covid-19 crisis.
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