Actor Varun Dhawan is a doting uncle. Ever since his brother Rohit Dhawan's daughter was born, he has shared some sweet moments with his niece on social media. Earlier this week, his niece turned a year older and the Dhawan had an intimate celebration.
On Wednesday, Varun Dhawan shared a series of pictures on Instagram from the cake cutting ceremony. In the picture, you can see him helping his niece cut the cake.
You can also see Rohit Dhawan, his wife, David Dhawan, and Karuna Dhawan. It seems like Varun's wife Natasha Dalal clicked these pictures since she wasn't seen in the photos.
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On the work front, Varun Dhawan will next star alongside Kiara Advani in Jug Jugg Jeeyo. He is also reuniting with Kriti Sanon in Bhediya.
ALSO READ: Varun Dhawan partners with Fast&Up to support India’s frontliners
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