On Sunday, Shahid Kapoor announced that his film Jersey will be released in theatres on December 31, 2021. The film was supposed to release on Diwali but got delayed by the pandemic. The sports drama is a remake of a Telugu film of the same name starring Nani. The original and the Hindi remake have been directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri. On Monday, Shahid Kapoor held a QnA session on Twitter and answered a couple of questions about Jersey as well.
A fan asked Shahid to give one word for Nani. Well, Shahid had more than a word in praise of Nani. "I think @NameisNani did an amazing job in jersey. He made me cry. So I would say he inspired me to do this film," he wrote.
I think @NameisNani did an amazing job in jersey. He made me cry. So I would say he inspired me to do this film. https://t.co/OrAwHkROpd
— Shahid Kapoor (@shahidkapoor) September 27, 2021
He was also about his filmmaking experience and the director of the film. Talking about his experience he said that it has been his best filmmaking experience so far and he cannot wait to share it with all. Talking about Gowtam Tinnanuri, Kapoor wrote, "To be honest I think he is my favourite so far."
To be honest I think he is my favourite so far ???????????? https://t.co/S3J49dwCcb
— Shahid Kapoor (@shahidkapoor) September 27, 2021
Jersey also stars Mrunal Thakur in the lead. During the QnA session, Shahid was also asked if he enjoyed working with Mrunal in the film. "Yes she is is lovely. We had a great time. She is extremely talented. And loads of fun," he responded.
Yes she is is lovely. We had a great time. She is extremely talented. And loads of fun. https://t.co/sXAmTSQiJM
— Shahid Kapoor (@shahidkapoor) September 27, 2021
Anticipation and expectations around Jersey were raised this year when the original film bagged the National Award for Best Telugu Film and Best Editor. The film will be released in theatres on December 31.
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