Bollywood actor Ishaan Khatter has taken to his Instagram handle to wish his KhaaliPeeli co-star Ananya Panday on his birthday with a beautiful note. The actress turned 23 on October 30.
Ishaan shared beautiful clicks of Ananya, where one of the pictures was from their Maldives vacation which they reportedly took together earlier this year. Sharing the pictures, Ishaan wrote, “Happy cake day Annie Panini. May the truth, strength and love always be with you.”
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Ishaan and Ananya, who starred opposite each other in KhaaliPeeli (2020), have been in the talks for their relationship rumours. However, the two have shared a warm chemistry on and off the camera. The two spent their New Year in Maldives earlier this year. Though they didn’t post any picture together, Ishaan later shared a video from their beach vacation where he gave Anaya credits for helping him with videography and editing.
Recently, Ishaan Khatter visited Ananya Panday’s home with a bouquet of flowers after the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) questioned her in the Aryan Khan case.
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