On Thursday, after 25 days of arrest, Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan was granted bail by the Bombay High Court in drugs on cruise case. After the bail was announced, Aryan's younger brother AbRam Khan was spotted at his home, Mannat, in Mumbai waving to the people outside their house.
AbRam was seen standing on one of the balconies of the bungalow and waving at the media and fans gathered outside the bungalow. He kept waving till his nanny took him back into the house.
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A picture of Shah Rukh Khan had also surfaced on social media hours after the bail was announced. The superstar was seen posing with his legal team including Advocate Satish Maneshinde and Advocate Amit Desai. Former Attorney General of India Mukul Rohatgi who argued for Aryan in the Bombay High Court was however missing from the group pictures.
In a conversation with NDTV, Rohatgi talked about SRK that, “He has been very, very worried the last three-four days that I was there and I’m not even sure whether he had proper meals. He was just having coffee after coffee. And he was very, very worried. And I could see a big sense of relief, yeah, on the father’s face last time I met him.” He added that SRK was also “making notes” to help the legal team.
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