Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone starrer sports drama 83 is all set to hit the theatres on Friday (December 24, 2021). Helmed by Kabir Khan, the film is based on Team India's historic win at the 1983 World Cup. Recently, a premiere of the film was organized at a multiplex in Mumbai. The event was a star-studded affair with actors Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor, Vaani Kapoor, Huma Qureshi, Pankaj Tripathi, and others in attendance. Apart from that, the entire 1983 Indian Cricket team also graced the event.
For the occasion, Ranveer Singh who is playing the role of Kapil Dev in the movie opted for a white 3-piece suit teamed with a black bowtie. The actor is known for often grabbing the eyeballs with his fashion statements and high on energy presence.
During the event, Ranveer stole the show with his dance moves. He was seen grooving to the latest trending track 'Bijlee Bijlee' by Harrdy Sandhu. The show got even more charmer when Harrdy who is also a part of the film and former Indian cricket team captain K. Srikkanth joined him. All of them were seen shaking a leg together and enjoying their heart out. The video has surfaced like a wildfire on the internet and has been getting very much liked by the netizens.
ALSO READ:Photos: Celebs attend the premiere of the film 83
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