Acclaimed actor Tahir Raj Bhasin burst into the Bollywood scene with a brilliant negative role in Mardaani and followed it up with another spine-chilling avatar in Force 2. The actor is now loving exploring the romance genre and playing the quintessential hero in three back-to-back projects like Ranjish Hi Sahi in which he has been paired with Amala Paul and Amrita Puri, Looop Lapeta opposite Taapsee Pannu and Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein in which he is opposite Sweta Tripathi!
Tahir says, “I’m so excited about the string of romantic releases I have lined up in 2022. The feature film Looop Lapeta and two OTT series Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein and Ranjish Hi Sahi will release early next year. Coincidentally, all three of these have me in the romantic lead. It’s a hat-trick of romance for me this year and I can’t wait for this new chapter of my journey.”
About his three romantic projects, Tahir reveals, “Looop Lapeta is an edgy heist romance where I play Satya, a whimsical jholler, who is madly in love with Savi (Taapsee Pannu). Satya believes in taking a punt on shortcuts to get where he wants to in life. His laid-back vibe and penchant for risk are what takes Satya and Savi on a crazy roller coaster in Looop Lapeta.“
He adds, “In the series Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein, I play Vikrant, a small-town boy who is head over heels for Shikha (Sweta Tripathi) the love of his life, but things explode when a powerful politicians daughter obsessively pursues Vikrant shattering the entire course of his life. Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhen is ‘Drillour‘ a dramatic, thriller with dark humour. Ranjish Hi Sahi is a period romance created by Mahesh Bhatt. Set in the ’70s, the series explores a passionate love triangle between my character Shankar, his wife (Amrita Puri), and a Bollywood Starlet (Amala Paul).”
Tahir further adds, “Playing a romantic lead and juggling these three very diverse romances has been a fulfilling challenge and I look forward to the audience immersing themselves in the fantastic worlds that they create.”
ALSO READ: “People have taken a keen interest to gauge my on-screen dynamics with Ranveer as we play Kapil Dev and Sunil Gavaskar,” says Tahir Raj Bhasin
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